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Turbine Generator Cooling

Improve efficiency with hydrogen

In the Power industry, hydrogen is mainly used as a heat transfer fluid for turbine generators. Hydrogen’s unique characteristics allow a turbine to move in a low friction environment, while removing heat at the same time. By using hydrogen to cool turbine generators, you can increase the amount of power generated without changing steam input. Air Products engineers can help you optimize your gas usage and establish the correct safety protocols.

Gas Options


Cenené pre svoje reaktívne a ochranné vlastnosti a používané v mnohých priemyselných odvetviach, ako je elektronika, potraviny, sklárstvo, chemikálie, rafinácia a ďalšie, môžu ťažiť zo svojich jedinečných vlastností na zlepšenie kvality, optimalizáciu výkonu a zníženie nákladov.

Count on Air Products' expertise . . .

Turn to Air Products applications engineers to help improve your process' efficiency with hydrogen.